Message from the President

Photo of Beverly Rodgers.

It is my honor to serve the College as the 17th President. MacMurray College is home to thousands of alumni and hundreds of students, yet, we maintain a family atmosphere that is seldom found in colleges and universities. The MacMurray College family even has a fun name. We call ourselves "Mac Fam."

When I first came to Mac, I sincerely thought Mac Fam was just a catchy marketing slogan. It only took me one short week to learn that was not the case. The faculty, staff, coaches and administrators at MacMurray College care deeply about our students and each other. This caring atmosphere translates into a community of action. We know our students by name and ability and provide the means for them to succeed during their four years with us. We support our students and each other through programs, personal conversations and by responding as a community of the whole. What this means is that everyone is given the opportunity to succeed at MacMurray College. We realize this is a tall order, but one we fully embrace.

Students and parents are surprised when given the email and phone number of the President of the College — even more surprised when they email or call and get a response. That is MacMurray College at its best!

The majority of our faculty have their doctorates in their discipline and years of experience facilitating learning. The Office of Student Life is staffed with people that understand developmental levels and encourages students to participate in the vibrant and diverse life on campus. It is within Student Life where you will find all student organizations, Health Services, Religious Life, Residence Life as well as assisting students with career development and internship planning. Our Center for Learning Excellence provides students with specific subject tutoring as well as study habit development. Our athletic programs are competitive on the field and even better off the field and in the classroom. Our student-athletes understand the importance of their education.

MacMurray has stellar faculty, staff, coaches and administrators. We provide an educational experience that is handcrafted to each of our students which gives them the tools to have a successful career and life after they graduate from Mac.

Our Scottish motto, "tout prêt," meaning "quite ready," says much. Every student that makes it through their four years at MacMurray will be equipped with the knowledge and understanding — or one could say, "quite ready" — to change the world.

I hope to visit with you on campus in the near future. Call, email or stop by!

Dr. Beverly Rodgers

President's Biography

Dr. Beverly Rodgers joined the College in February of 2017 as Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Life. As provost, Dr. Rodgers facilitated the excellent team that was charged with responding to the Higher Learning Commission's concerns associated with the College's ongoing assessment plans and institutional learning outcomes. The effort was outstandingly successful and MacMurray's accreditation was renewed in July 2018.

MacMurray's revised assessment strategy begun by Rodgers, and now under the direction of Interim Provost Dr. Gina Wyant, is providing the College the ability to make data driven decisions and is a requirement for ongoing success. Along with the development of an inclusive process, new majors were added, previous majors returned and faculty numbers were increased.

President Rodgers holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in anthropology from Ohio State University. She came to MacMurray from Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kansas, where she served as dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and professor of anthropology. She previously served as vice president at Leech Lake Tribal College in Cass Lake, Minnesota and was a professor and chair of the Arthur Morgan Fellows at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Prior to entering the academy, Rodgers managed for profit and not-for-profit organizations including the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Development, the National Park Service, and the Knox County Chamber of Commerce in Vincennes, Indiana.

In her spare time, Dr. Rodgers enjoys reading, antiquing and relaxing in the pool or the lake.